Gem Trails of Northern California by James R. Mitchell

Gem Trails of Northern California

ISBN: 9781889786285 | 198 pages | 10 Mb

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Gem Trails of Northern California James R. Mitchell
Publisher: Gem Guides Book Company

Visions of glittering gold come to mind when you think of Northern California's minerals-but there is so much more. There is jade in qualities rivaling that from Wyoming or Burma; beautiful pink rhodonite; and possibly the most diverse variety of gem obsidian in the country, if not the world. In this up-dated second edition detailed text and maps lead rockhounds to over 76 locations where you can collect 60 varieties of Northern California's mineral and fossil treasures. There are full-color specimen photos to inspire your collecting efforts, and black and white photos to help locate sites as diverse as the minerals themselves, including pine covered ...

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